Tagged: android 5.0

Tint Icons in Android for pre Lollipop

Tint Icons in Android for pre Lollipop

Tint icons were first seen on Android Lollipop. The same can now be done on previous versions too with the help of Support Libraries....

Add a Toolbar Elevation on pre Lollipop

Being a Material Design lover, I get put off by that default flat Toolbar with no shadow or elevation. It’s alright on Lollipop devices...

DIY Floating Action Button Part 2

In this post, I’ll show you how to make your Floating Action Button behave as it should on Lollipop devices. Elevation and ripple effects...

floating action button material design

Implement Floating Action Button – Part 2

I’d recommend going through Part 1 of the implementation first. It covers how you can quickly setup a Floating Action Button. Though if you feel you’ve...

Toolbar Height in Landscape mode (FIX)

Toolbar Height in Landscape mode (FIX)

Toolbar height issue If you’ve noticed by now, the Toolbar height by default when compared in normal and landscape mode, is different. There seems to be extra padding...