
Android Pagination: Error Handling

Endless or Infinite scrolling is called pagination. You do this in Android using RecyclerView. However, there are a few critical error scenarios to handle....

DayNight Theme Android Tutorial with Example

The DayNight Theme was added to AppCompat with the realease of Support Library v23.2.0. We can reference the theme using Theme.AppCompat.DayNight. DayNight theme allows to switch...

Prepare your apps for Multi-Window in Android N

Android 7 Nougat introduced Multi-Window, a new feature that enables multi-tasking. In this post, let’s make or Android apps Multi-Window compatible. Android Nougat brings in a host of improvements...

Bottom Navigation Bar Android Tutorial

One of the newest additions to the Material Design is the Bottom Navigation Bar. Its like the TabBar you see on iOS, and similar...